Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Security Device

I finally received my "free" DVDs from Columbia House.
"Free" meaning I purchased it with my "Fun Cash" that accumulated
buying other DVDs from the Club. I decided to have it shipped to
my work address...so I didnt have to worry about my neighbors getting
a "free" gift this year.

Well, after work I went to the mall to do some after Christmas shopping.
Just as I stepped into Macys ... the alarm went off .. kind of like "DOOT DOOT" .
I realized it must have been the DVDs ... but no security came to haul me away so
I kept walking. Found nothing, so I decided to leave ... once again the familar
"DOOT DOOT" sound went off ... and a sales woman asked me to check my
purse. I guess she saw the box and let me go.

Got home and opened up the package. There was the tape with SECURITY DEVICE
noted. My question is this: Why does Columbia House have to package their DVDs
that they're sending out to peoples home with security devices?? I guess all DVDs are
just packaged like this.

Note to self: Open up package and remove security device before heading out to
shopping mall. Or ... just leave package at home.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Gift List

1. Louis Vuitton wallet
2. Starbucks Hot Chocolate & Mug giftset
3. Hair Dryer
4. Pink Argyle Sweater
5. Scented Candles
6. Several Gift Cards (Express / Victoria's Secret / Barnes & Noble / etc.)
7. Check (undisclosed amount)
8. Several food items (yummy)

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas with the Ladies

Kathleen, Letlet, Ate Neneth, Apple, and Me!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Christmas 2004

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The Edge of Reason

Just got back from watching the 2nd Bridget Jones movie.
I finished reading the book about 24 hours ago so the details are still fresh.
I thought it was a "cute" movie ... v. happy that Hugh Grant was in more scenes.
After reading the book I thought that he wasnt going to be shown much.
Somewhat happy that they changed that aspect of the book.

What surprised me was the change in the Rebecca character.
Dont want to spoil some readers who didnt see the movie yet.
V. Weird plot though .... could have gone another way.

Overall .. I did enjoy the movie. But the 1st one is much better.
Will definitely buy the second book ... and get both DVDs as a collection.

Roz Rating : *** 3 stars

Monday, December 20, 2004

Finding Neverland

If you're unsure about what movie to watch tonight, tomorrow, this weekend, or next
week, I recommend "Finding Neverland". Johnny Depp is simply amazing in this movie.

I think the children in this movie were absolutley wonderful...especially Peter and
Micheal. I loved Peter ... especially the scene in the theatre when someone asks him
if he's Peter .. and he points at Johnny Depp and tells them that he's (J.D) Peter.
That's one of my favorite scenes.

Kate Winslet was great too...I cried when she finally saw how Neverland looked.

Bring tissues.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

A Day of Rest

Okay...so I'm turning 30 in less than 2 months.
I havent even tried to start reading Shakespheare (see post on "3 Months Until")
I procrastinate soo much...I dont think I should do that when I'm 30.

I just need to keep writing...and writing...and writing.
No more distractions.
No more 7 day a week job.
Must rest my mind with writing.

I want to learn to play the guitar.
I want to learn a new language.
I want a tattoo of "Thumper"

I need a day of rest

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Two Months Until...

15 plus 15
3 X 10

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Blade Trinity

O.k. so I finally watched "Blade Trinity" last night ... and it was a really
good follow-up to "Blade 2".

Jessica Biel was really great in the fight sequences
I absolutely adore Ryan Reynolds ... best lines ever!

Im soo glad I saw the first two movies ... this was a good "vampire" movie!
Thanks Karl!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Blade 2

Okay ... so I finally saw "Blade II" today ... getting ready to see "Blade Trinity"

I never thought I'd be interested in this movie ... but its actually exciting ...
and I was actually cheering on the good guys to beat the crap up of the evil

Im just hoping Whistler is really alive for future movies ... hopefully
"Blade Trinity" will be a good one.

Monday, December 06, 2004


A friend of mine (Karl) invited me to a screeing of "Blade Trinity" tomorrow
so I decided to watch both "Blade" and "Blade II" just so I could understand
the movie.

I've never been interested in this movie ... cuz the whole Wesley Snipes as a
vampire wasnt really my thing ... thats why I never thought of watching ..
but I was wrong ... it was a really good movie!!

Kris Kristofferson was really interesting too .. as Whistler.... really nice
character and friend to Blade ... cant wait to watch "Blade II" tomorrow
before the screening of "Blade Trinity"

Sunday, December 05, 2004

National Treasure

I absolutely love Nicolas Cage!

Just saw the movie "National Treasure" last night ... GREAT MOVIE!

Action packed ... great twists ... great story!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


5:00am - wake up...hit snooze.
5:30am - get out of bed...hit the showers.
6:30am - at the bus stop...waiting...breathing.
7:00am to 3:00pm - Eight hours of work...breathing.
3:45pm - at the bus stop...waiting..breathing.
4:15pm - change into something comfortable...breathing.

4:20pm - Breathing..waiting...become inspired...become scared.
Write..Write...breathe...become inspired..breathe..write.

7:00pm - Dinner..hunger...breathing..cooking...eating..breathing.
Read..watch...breathe..become inspired..breathe...write.

8:00pm - Watch..Watch..insparation...hunger..watch..breathe..write.

10:00pm - Lights out..breathe...breathe...contemplate..hope..pray...breathe.
Close my eyes...breathe....breathe...become inspired..hope.
Breathe. Dream. Breathe.