Thursday, July 26, 2007

Elimination of Kameron & Jaimie

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Dominic is safe!!! But I'm going to miss Jaimie ~

Sink Clogged

My Sink is clogged and now have to wash my
plates, pans, etc. ~ IN MY BATHROOM!!

Not only is it clogged, but everytime I empty
water from the sink, I've noticed that water
would be coming up, the next hour and so forth.

It must be from the people living upstairs.
I've already submitted my Maintenance request

Hopefully it gets fixed soon!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The 10 Dancers

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Okay. Its time for the 10 dancers to get new partners. And I'm glad that Dominic and Jaimie are partners. They've chosen the Vienesse Waltz and I'm kinda hoping they both do great. Isn't suppose to be a lovely dance? Not this one. I guess the choreographer wanted to add a Spanish flair to it. So they perform, and I like it. It kinda doesn't seem like a waltz though. And the judges agree. They thought Dominic was hammy. What I wish they did (just like the judges in DWTS) was blame the choreographer. And now I think they are both in danger.

Now about the individual dancing...I'm glad that Dominic was the second up, because I was GETTING TIRED of the routine.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Seventh and Final Installment

How lucky am I to get a copy of "The Deathly Hallows" at
the library! Sure, maybe quite a number of people are
probably buying a copy for themselves, but I plan on buying
one when it gets printed on complete my
paperback collection.'s day one of reading ~

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Elimination of Hok and Anya

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I'm too sad and mad to write a long blog.
I feel the judges let the wrong male dancer go.
They let Cedric stay for SEVERAL weeks, letting
better dancers go, and gave the "unique dancer"
reason. HOK is a UNIQUE dancer too!! And they've
kept the other two guys...who don't appeal to me
much. I really wished he made the top ten. I
still blame the choreography!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The 12 Dancers

The Best Again ~

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I really...really...really want Hok to stay. But the judges
were brutal! It was a good performance, I didn't find any fault.
I just wish they had a more "upbeat" choreography ~

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Elimination of Cedric and Shauna

Okay ... so I thought Cedric did a GOOD job dancing.
And Shauna was AMAZING also ... but it was really time
for them to go ... it's only the beginning for them.
They'll have a WONDERFUL future.

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Transformers...Bee ...Otch

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I finally got some free time and watched "Transformers"!!

It's a GREAT movie ... some cheesy moments ... but still something
I'd buy for my collection. I would have to say that my favorite
"scenes" had to do with the "Bee Otch" air freshner ~ it was
GENIUS to put that in the movie!! I loved the action sequences, but
that is a "classic" prop!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The 14 Dancers

The BEST performance of the night!!

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And the runner up ~

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Sabra and Dominic did a GREAT "hip hop" routine. I was very impressed with Sara and Pasha. The couple that I am worried about is Hok and Jaime ~

Monday, July 09, 2007

Trip To Vegas

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The Family .... we stayed at the LUXOR hotel ...

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Right after brunch buffet at MANDALAY BAY

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Really wanted to kiss the fish ... but Im too short

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VENITIAN again ...

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Rommel, Let, Nathan SUPRISED us by coming to Vegas/VENITIAN too!!