Sunday, November 07, 2004

Sunday Reflections

I'm an awful person when it comes to going to church.
It's been such a long time since I've gone to Sunday mass.
I used to go on Saturday...after work.
Now that I work 11am to 7pm on weekends, it's impossible.

Sure...I could wake up early on Sunday...but the weekend is the only
time I could "sleep in" and wake up at 8am instead.

I keep wondering if I'll have a bad day or good day.
I would think to myself that since I didnt go to mass,
I'd miss the bus, or someone would just be mean to me,
or I'd forget about unplugging the iron and my apartment
would burn down, and I'd kick myself for not getting
renters insurance.

But I'd say a little prayer to myself asking God to
forgive me.

Forgive me for missing mass.
Forgive me for working on Sunday.
Forgive me for swearing at cars that try to run over us pedestrians
and hoping they get into a fender bender.

And the hours pass, and work is done.
And I could come back home.
Relax. Eat dinner. Watch TV.
Talk to friends over the phone.

Say another prayer...and it is night.
I reflect on the day.
It has been wonderful.

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