Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ink Heart

This was a last minute decision to watch
this movie.

I wanted something "fun" and lighthearted.
Other peeps wanted to do the "Oscar Movie"
round. Everything else was later in the
day. So Ink Heart was the "winning" choice.

Maybe we should have seen MILK or FROST/NIXON.

The visuals were wonderful.
We love Brendan Fraser & Paul Bettany.
But the storyline was "semi-boring" ~

This could have been a TV Movie.
Wait for it on DVD.

The only "interesting" thing for us was
that we tried the FUZE drink for $1 for
Movie Watchers discount ... and enjoyed it.
Hopefully AMC has the promotion longer than

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slumdog Wins SAG Awards!

I was hoping and praying that the SAG would
honor the actors of Slumdog Millioniare, I
thought that maybe the guild would have wanted
the cast of Milk or Doubt since Meryl & Sean
won ... but when Slumdog was announced ...


I wish that the kids were there to accept the
award, but Im glad Freida Pinto gave out their
names ... she gets BEST DRESSED in my opinion.

Slumdog SAG Awards

Congrats to Heath Ledger
Congrats to Tina Fey who had the funniest
speech ... regarding her daughter & residuals.

Friday, January 23, 2009


When I first saw this commercial, I was thinking
to myself ... they are talking in TAGALOG!!

But I couldn't understand "most" of what they
were saying. I didnt know another language
had "gutom" as also hungry ... but everyone
I know said that it was infact in Tagalog, but
the actors were all talking fast.


Thursday, January 22, 2009


Because of SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, I seem to be
VERY EXCITED about the announcement!

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button / 13 noms ~
Slumdong Millionarie / 10 noms ~

I was disappointed that The Dark Knight didnt
get a nomination for Best Picture!! But very
happy that Heath Ledger got his nomination.

Leonardo & Clint was ROBBED!!

Here is my predictions!!

1. Best Picture - Slumdog Millionaire
2. Best Director - Danny Boyle
3. Adapted Screenplay - Slumdog Millionaire
4. Original Screenplay - Milk
5. Lead Actress - Kate Winslet
6. Lead Actor - Mickey Rourke
7. Supporting Actress - Penelope Cruz
8. Supporting Actor - Heath Ledger
9. Animated Feature - WALL~E
10. Cinematography - The Curious Case Of Benjamin

11. Art Direction - The Dark Knight
12. Costume Design - The Dutchess
13. Film Editing - Slumdog Millionaire
14. Makeup - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
15. Original Score - Slumdog Millionarie
16. Original Song - JAI HO / Slumdog Millionair
17. Visual Effects - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I know thats not ALL the categories ... but Im
hoping I'm RIGHT this year!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I wanted to watch something "fun" today
and was debating whether or not to watch
this movie ... it didnt have the "best"
reviews, but I decided to see it anyways.

I actually enjoyed it. BUT the script
could have been better. I thought that
some of the scenes could have been deleted
(the ones of their friends talking to each
other over the phones).

Overall, it was a "fun" movie. But I agree
with the critics that say "there are better
wedding movies."

Bride Wars

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Dear Neighbor at Apt# 1 ~

These last couple of nights, I've found myself
waking up to noises coming from your apartment.
I wouldn't say it was loud voices coming from
the walls, more like muffled "grunts" ~

They aren't exactly noise, and you know what
I mean. I'm glad its not the yelling kind too.
Maybe it is yelling, inside YOUR aparment. It's
just that the "grunting" is kinda annoying!!

I don't know how Apt#9 deals with noises coming
up their floor. You're not as bad as Apt#8 which
is right above mine ... the roof shaking ... not
really a good nights sleep.

If you have to HAVE IT, fine ... but really ... in
my opinion ... she is faking it ~

Monday, January 19, 2009

Two and Six

In two months ... it'll be SIX years that I've
been employed here in this city.

I can't believe how much time passes.

How I really wish I had atleast a novel
already published. If Stephenie Meyer
can dream, write, & get accepted for
publication in SIX months, I should have something too!

But these two months will be my time of thinking.

I've made up my mind that things need to change.
I need more. I want to be doing something that
really "matters" ~

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lakeview Terrace

A friend of mine let me borrow his Lakeview Terrace
DVD. I never wanted to watch it when it was in theatres,
so watching it for free was nice.

It was a really interesting story.

Samuel Jackson was just plain EVIL. I'm
glad he got what he got at the end of the

I had a feeling with "fat guy" first shows
up on screen, that ABEL and him were going
to work together. Poor guy ... got what was
coming to him.


Made me really want "The House" ~ considering
the couple were really excited about being
homeoweners. I WANT TO BE A HOMEOWNER TOO!!!

I've walked around the neighborhood, and don't
think there are any ABELS ~


So Please Universe. Please. Tonight Maybe.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm done trying to change the template!!

* I've FINALLY separted the TITLE & DATE
* I've FINALLY got the "comment" line
* I've FINALLY found colors that I'm happy with

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hi Universe! Can I Ask You Something?

It's one more month till my birthday, and since
you never give me WORLD PEACE, I decided on
something else that might be "easier" for you.

Yes. I'm asking you for the beloved "house" ~

Please Universe!! May I please have the house?
I'm not asking much. Just a lottery payout.
Or maybe a publishing house making a very generous
offer on the manuscript.

Please Universe!! No one gets hurt. And maybe,
just maybe, a little bit closer to World Peace.

Thank you.

The House

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Kate Winslet deserved the Golden Globe
for Best Supporting Actress ~

I didnt plan on watching this movie until
she won two categories. I went into this
movie not really knowing what it was about,
and had no idea what significance the title

The first half hour consisted of alot of
nudity and sex ~ after that passed, it was
nice to watch MICHEAL read to HANNA, and
the scene where Kate Winselt is crying
when he was reading the end of a book ALMOST
made me cry too.

**** SPOILER ALERT *****
I was disappointed when Michael didnt say
anything about Hanna during the trial for
the Nazi war crimes. I wanted him to yell
"she didnt do it!! She can't read or write!!"
Overall ~ i'm really glad i went to this
movie. I actually preferred it to RR.

And I cried ... during the end ... when
Michael started to send the tapes of him
reading the books ... the look on Hanna's

The Reader

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I finally learned how to add titles!!

I've changed the "posted by" lines ~

Now all i need to figure out is how to
separate the TITLE & DATE from showing
in the same line ~

Monday, January 12, 2009

words of wisdom

i finally found a way to include the
comment section on this "blogskin" ~

i decided to put "words of wisdom" instead
of "comments" ~ now if i could only find a
way to put my TITLES !!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Golden Globes Go To Slumdog Millionaire

Golden Globes.Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire Wins Top Categories!!
1. Best Drama
2. Best Screenplay
3. Best Director
4. Best Original Score

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday Brightest Moon

Tonight is the night that we'll have the
BRIGHTEST Full Moon of the year.

This is the view from my apartment.
Wish I had a "better" camera ~




Friday, January 09, 2009

Slumdog CRITICS Winner!

Slumdog Millioniare wins BIG at the Critics Choice Awards!!

1. Best Picture
2. Director Danny Boyle
3. Writer Sam Beaufoy
4. Actor Dev Patel
5. Composer A.R. Rahman

Congrats!!! Yay!! More awards to come ~

* and congratulations to Heath Ledger too *

Thursday, January 08, 2009

A Week Already ~

It's the first week of the year and I've
broken some of my resolutions.

1. I didn't go to Mass on First Friday,
First Saturday ... and SUNDAY .. bad me!

2. I stopped working out on Sunday ~

3. I've been having about 6 hours of sleep.

The first week of television viewing has also
given me hope that there are good shows to come.
Sundays Desparate Housewives was alright for me.
I had to pass on Brothers & Sisters because I
needed to sleep. I found myself watching True
Beauty ... still will not bring myself to watch
Mammas Boys ... and "TB" actually has a good
elimination system ... the "mean" person leaves.
I'm glad Ugly Betty is back ... I'm not too sure
how I feel about Greys Anatomy ... the writing seems
to be quite off (more sex, no story).

Can't wait for LOST!!! Two More Weeks!!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I've been waiting for a long time for this movie
to finally show in the theatre that I go to. It
finally started playing two weeks ago and I finally
had time to see it.

It was Wonderful...Oscar Worthy...Fantastic Story.

I recommend EVERYONE to see it.

I predict it winning MANY awards:
1. Picture
2. Script
3. Directing
4. Music
5. Acting
6. Editing

Slumdog Millionaire

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Think Green

About a week ago I found one of those "green" bags
hanging on my door. The apartment managers had
given all of the tenants a recycling bag. I wasn't
sure if I was ever going to use it. But it actually

Bag Logorecycling bag

stuffed bag

I was able to fit a box of cereal, 1 Liter "Smartwater",
1 bottle "Vitamin Water", mini bag of rice, 100 Calorie
Snack, Yakult, 2 boxes of tea. And there was room
to spare. The bag felt nice. I dont have to ask for
"paper & plastic" anymore ~

Monday, January 05, 2009

The Secret Life Of The American Teenager

This show is my new guilty pleasure.

Sure, the premise is about the life of teenagers,
and teen pregnancy, etc. There may be some
"cheesy" dialogue and sceneros ~ but it is
actually a good show.

The second season premiere with the wedding
between Ben & Amy was enjoyable to watch
especially because of the premise of everyone
getting a fake ID.

Kudos to the writer for an interesting script.

secret life of

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Revolutionary Road

A friend of mine had a copy of a screener for
"Revolutionary Road" ~ of all of the films out,
that was the one movie that I didnt plan on
watching. The trailers seemed really "intense"
and I wasn't interested in the subject at all.

Since I had nothing to do on Saturday, I decided to
watch it. I thought that I might not be able to
finish the whole movie.


I actually liked it!! Superb acting by Leo & Kate.
If you've seen the trailers, you know that this
contains DRAMA ... the end of the movie breaks my

I hope both ~ or atleast one of them ~ wins an award.

revolutionary road

Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Look

It's a new year ... and i decided I wanted a new look
for my blog.

I didnt want the templates available in
so i started searching sites ... and saw this design.

I think it was the paperclip and pushpin that caught
my attention.

I'm still trying to find pictures of "oldschool"
typewriters to replace the current drawings in the layout.

For some reason ... there is also no comment section.

A Big THANK YOU to Pauline for creating this "blog skin"

Friday, January 02, 2009

First Friday

Well, its the first Friday of the year which means
1. First Friday Mass
2. DVD Night
3. 4-Hour writing
4. Lottery Night

Whatever you didn't get done yesterday, dear Aquarius, you certainly need to finish up today. Discipline and attention to the sand slipping through the hourglass are themes of the journey. You will find that the more you are able to accomplish, the better you will feel about yourself when the sun goes down. If there is stagnant energy in your life, this is a sign that it is time to get things moving. Don't waste another moment sitting around and waiting for someone else to facilitate the solution for you. It's all about taking the initiative yourself.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year!!

It's 2009 ~ a new year ~ new beginnings ~ new possibilities ~

The Resolutions Are:
1. Eat Healthy
2. Exercise Daily
3. Write Daily
4. Read Daily
5. Sleep 8 Hours Each Night
6. Go To Mass Every Sunday
7. Be a NICE person to EVERYONE

I decided to read my daily horoscope, just for fun.

Happy 2009! You're a futuristic Aquarius and you love making plans for tomorrow. That's why your favorite books and movies are science fiction, and you're first in line to view 'tomorrowland' exhibits. On Thursday, New Year's Day, you'll buzz with the dreams and goals you have for your life. Allow for a few twists and turns to come your way, since the Universe is going to throw a lot of energy shifts toward you. On Saturday you reflect on what you really want out of life as Venus enters Pisces and your sector of values.