Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lady In The Water

For those of you who has seen this movie already and know
the fate of the critic ... I say ... "Good For You M Night ....
let that MOFO (___) !!" Sorry, dont want to spoil it for
the rest of you.

I hate reading reviews of critics who try to compare MNS
movies ... praising The Sixth Sense ... and then writing about
how the other films weren't at the same level. Yes ITS WAS
AN AWESOME MOVE ... thats why MNS was praised as the
next "Speilberg"

This movie was COMPLETELY different from the other
dont care what those other critics are saying. It really
seems that they are only comparing MNS movies, and not
really seeing this movie and its potential.

I was NOT disappointed at all .. and if critics could just get
rid of their "hard-on" with The Sixth Sense, they'll know how
great the other MNS movies are. Stop comparing his movies
to each other!! Just enjoy them as they are!!

I'm tired of sequels (except Pirates), or movies based on TV
shows, or book adaptations (except Devil Wears Prada), etc.
This movie was an original.

"Baby's On The Half Tip"

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