Thursday, February 26, 2009

Church & Prayers

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and I made sure
I went to mass and got my ashes.

My older sister texted me in the morning to
remind me to go to church.

I felt bad not going to Sunday mass for awhile.

Anyways, the church was full ~ and the sermon
was the same as last Ash Wednesday.

The priest was funny. He said that today
was one of the days that people come to mass
just for the precious (think of whats his name
from the TLOTR saying precious) ashes.

I want to be really good about Lent this year.

And I should really pray more. Sometimes I wonder
if I write and read, watch TV and movies, more
than I pray.

But I have a good feeling about Lent this year.
Maybe, with everyone doing good and praying,
things in the world will be better.

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