Friday, January 29, 2010

Lottery Friday!!!

Dear Universe:

The Mega Millions Lottery is $144 Million !!

Cash Value = $89,500,000

After Taxes = $67,125,00

HALF FOR FAMILY = $33,562,500
* My 5 brothers and 2 sisters will get $4,794,643 each

MY HALF = $33,562,500
1. The House in California
2. VW Beetle
3. The Condo in New York
4. The Villa in Italy
5. The Bookstore

* Rawb & Ren gets $2,000,000 each (we made a pact)

* School Loans paid Off
* Credit Card bills paid off
* Donations to help Haiti
* Donations for organizations

* Travel, Travel, Travel
* Winter Olympics ... here I come!

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