Wednesday, March 11, 2009



I had "no choice" on what movie to see today.

If it was up to me it would have either been
Paul Blart or Hotels For Dogs. After watching
most of the good movies out, Watchmen would
be the next one to watch.

But why was I not really looking forward to this.
I love superhero movies ~ but I really do not know
who the Watchmen are.

I did not like this movie! It was WAY TOO LONG!
Didn't mind the violence ~ the "superhero" sex scene
was probably put in the movie to "wake up" people
who were probably falling asleep ~ did not need to
know 30 minutes (seemed like it) back story of
Dr. Manhattan and how Rorschach got his mask was
never explained.

I felt for a movie that lasted for close to 3 hours,
it seem incomplete, just remove all dialogue and
keep the score and soundtrack maybe I wouldn't have
mind. The long expository dialogue just annoyed me.

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